Stella Mundi Franciscan Ministry

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Where is Jesus?

Mary invites us all to wholeheartedly obey Jesus without any hesitation when, at the Wedding Feast of Cana, she recognized the need for intervention and approached Him with confidence, urging the servants to follow His instructions. This moment serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and trust in His guidance., she says, "Do whatever He tells you" (Jn 2:5).

This inevitably begs the question: How do we actively seek out and recognize the presence of Christ in our daily lives and varied experiences? Are we truly open to His gentle guidance each and every day, willing to follow Him in both large and small ways?

The other day, I sat down and took some time to write a list of everything that I am grateful for, as I often find myself doing. Reflecting on and recognizing God’s goodness in our lives is such a positive activity that can bring us a sense of peace and fulfillment. I thought to myself, let me take this “I am” scenario a step further and reflect instead on where I saw Jesus today. Depending on the course of the day, is it truly difficult to find Jesus in our everyday moments? I think the question we should genuinely ask ourselves is: Am I taking the time necessary to look above the “me” to see His presence?

Do you recall the comic pages of "Where is Waldo?" (I am undoubtedly dating myself again, aren’t I?) You would really sit and take the time to sift through the intricate drawings to find Waldo, and the immense satisfaction you felt when you indeed located him is unforgettable. Making a conscious decision to actively seek out Jesus throughout my day and then reflect on those encounters during my prayer time can be incredibly rewarding. So, where did I find Him this week?

To my surprise, I encountered Him at the DMV. Yes, the DMV! I saw Him in the kind woman who made sure I was in the correct line, and in the DMV agent who welcomed me not just with a smile, but by asking how I was doing that day. I also found Him in the stock clerk at Publix, who took a moment to wish me a good morning and a nice day. If we open our hearts to the world around us, Jesus can indeed be found in the simplicity of life, in the caring actions, and even in the eyes of a stranger.

But finding Jesus is not solely a one-sided endeavor. We must also ask ourselves, how can I be the face of Jesus for others? During my recent doctor’s appointment, I had a wonderful and enriching conversation with my general practitioner. She asked me how I was, and I replied, “Blessed to be here speaking with you.” As I spoke about in an earlier post, the importance of being present cannot be overstated. I genuinely wanted to be present for her, even though she was there primarily for my well-being. She smiled warmly and said, “I needed that, thank you. I feel uplifted!” In that moment, and in every moment that followed, I allowed the Holy Spirit to guide my words and actions. I wanted her to experience God’s compassion through our interaction, conveying the message that we are all cherished in His eyes.

“ The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.”

St. Francis of Assisi

So, take a moment to smile warmly, say a cheerful good morning, and remember that it does not cost anything at all. Engage fully in the simple, everyday interactions of life, returning good gestures with kindness. At the end of each day, instead of dwelling on what went wrong, ask yourself: Where did I encounter Jesus today? Did I strive to be Jesus to others in my words and actions? The more you look for these moments, the more you ask these important questions, and the more you actively live the Gospel life, the richer your experience will become!

Be Mindful.

Be Prayerful.

Be Present.

Be God is calling you to be.

Peace and Grace.