Dinner with Saints

Welcome St. Teresa of Ávila to the table!

One day, while traveling in inclement weather along a muddy stream, Teresa found herself in a predicament when her carriage became stuck and she accidentally fell into the water along with her belongings. Frustrated, she turned to Jesus, only to receive a surprising response: 'That's how I treat my friends.' Without missing a beat, Teresa retorted, 'No wonder you have so few friends.' This witty exchange encapsulates the essence of St. Teresa of Ávila for me.

Known also as Saint Teresa of Jesus, she was a Carmelite nun, a revered Spanish mystic, and a religious reformer who later attained the title of Doctor of the Church—an impressive feat for a woman of her era. What captivates me most about St. Teresa is her unwavering determination, evident in her interactions with those around her and in her profound faith. She was instrumental in establishing numerous convents across Spain and spearheading the Carmelite Reform, which sought to reinstate a contemplative and austere way of life within the order. Central to her reforms was the inclusive acceptance of women from all societal backgrounds.

St. Teresa welcomed women into religious life, regardless of their financial means, thereby breaking down barriers that had previously hindered many from pursuing a monastic vocation. Through her writings and anecdotes, St. Teresa emerges as a figure imbued with humor, intelligence, and warmth. Imagining a dinner conversation with this remarkable woman of faith, I envision her as approachable and engaging to all, despite the disparities in our beliefs and spiritual experiences. While her mysticism may appear unconventional to modern sensibilities, her candidness in discussing her struggles with prayer and her relationship with God remains both refreshing and relatable in today's context. We are truly fortunate to possess the precious gift of her literary works, a profound reservoir of wisdom and insight that continues to enrich and inspire us.

O God, who through your Spirit

raised up Saint Teresa of Jesus

to show the Church the way to seek perfection,

grant that we may always be nourished

by the food of her heavenly teaching

and fired with longing for true holiness.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


To get to know St. Teresa of Ávila even better please visit:

Franciscan Media

Keep at it! Keep praying. Love the Lord.

Peace and Grace.


St. Philip Neri


Full of Grace