Full of Grace

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“All who wear it.

will receive great graces.

They should wear it around the neck.

Graces will abound for persons

who wear it with confidence.” The Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Catherine Labouré

This week we will look at the Miraculous Medal

If you are Catholic, I believe we all have a miraculous medal in our possession that holds special significance in our faith. We can express our gratitude and appreciation to St. Catherine Labouré, who played a crucial role in bringing this beautiful symbol to the world. Catherine saw a beautiful woman gracefully walk into the room and take a seat on the chair that was traditionally used by the director of the community on the evening of July 18, 1830. The atmosphere in the space shifted, as the presence of this striking figure brought a sense of calm and anticipation among those gathered.

She remarked, “I went closer and, throwing myself on my knees, rested my hands on the knees of the Blessed Virgin. At that instant, I tasted the sweetest joy of my life—a delight beyond expression.”

She appeared once again on November 27, 1830, this time she encountered The Blessed Virgin "standing in space". She wore white, standing on a globe and holding a golden ball. The rings on her fingers shone with light. An inner voice told Catherine that the ball represented the world and the rays from Mary's fingers symbolized blessings and for everyone. Mary spoke to her: "Create a medal according to this design. All those who will carry this will receive many graces, especially if they will wear the medal around their neck and say my prayer confidently; they will receive special protection from the Mother of God and lots of graces".

From Miraculous medal.org

Thank you, St. Catherine for bringing us this wonderful devotion! Another significant saint who is associated with the Miraculous Medal, is St. Maximilian Kolbe. He notably described as the external sign of an individual’s deep and personal consecration to the Blessed Mother. This profound devotion emphasizes the importance of Mary in our spiritual lives and serves as a reminder of her love and intercession for all who seek her guidance.

“Let us let ourselves be carried by Mary she will think of everything and take care of all our needs, of the soul and of the body. Let us give every difficulty, every sorrow to her, and have confidence that she will take care of it better than we could. Peace then, peace, much peace in an unlimited confidence in her… Above all, never let yourselves be troubled, never be frightened, never fear anything.” St. Maximilian Kolbe

Prayer of Saint Catherine Laboure

Whenever I go to the chapel,

I put myself in the presence of our good Lord, and I say to him "Lord, I am here.

Tell me what You would have me do."

If He gives me some task,

I am content and I thank Him.

If He gives me nothing, I still thank Him

since I do not deserve to receive anything more than that.

And then, I tell God everything that is in my heart.

I tell Him about my pains and my joys,

and then I listen.

If you listen, God will also speak to you,

for with the good Lord, you have to both speak and listen.

God always speaks to you when you approach Him plainly and simply.


" Ave Maria, Totus tuus" or "Totally yours"

Keep at it! Keep praying. Love the Lord.

Peace and Grace.


Dinner with Saints


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