He Has Risen!

“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”

- St. Pope John Paul II


Can I get a Witness?!

Christ has Risen! Hallelujah! What a great day it is. We have journeyed for 40 days. Walked in the desert. We have followed Jesus on the road to Calvary doing our best to remain faithful disciples we are all called to be. Mary Magdalene is an example of discipleship. Once broken, a sinner, healed and forgiven. Mary Magdalene saw the mercy of Christ first hand and became a follower, a disciple. She did so with her whole heart; she loved Him!

While most abandoned Jesus, she was one of the few who stepped up and stood by his side till the very end. It is no wonder that Jesus chose her to witness his resurrected body. He trusted her to deliver the Good News of His resurrection to the apostles. How cool was that!

Despite the darkness that surrounded her, she never wavered. Mary Magdalene became the beacon that led everyone to the Risen Lord. You go, girl! What an example of faithfulness and love. St. Mary Magdalene, Pray for us.

 A Blessed Easter to All!

Natalie Grant - Films and Music Inspired by THE STORY "Alive" (MARY MAGDALENE)


Give Praise.


The Road to Calvary/ Holy Week