Stella Mundi Franciscan Ministry

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Never Lost

I am the Good Shepherd, I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. Just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father, and lay down My life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15

One of the most remarkable technological inventions that has greatly impacted my life is the GPS! I cannot imagine where I would be without it - most likely lost! The GPS serves as a reliable guide that assists in seamless navigation from one point to another, helps to avoid traffic congestion, alerts us to speed traps, and importantly provides estimated time of arrival. If only life could be as straightforward as following a GPS!

Unfortunately, that is not the case. How often do we find ourselves feeling disoriented, uncertain about the outcomes of our decisions, or spiritually adrift? In such moments of confusion and solitude, I find solace in reflecting on the Good Shepherd. During His earthly ministry, Jesus likened Himself to a Good Shepherd. But what does this comparison signify?

Shepherds meticulously care for and guide their flocks, knowing their voice and where to lead them. Just like a shepherd risking everything to retrieve a lost sheep, Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself for all of us who are lost. When we stray in life, He actively seeks, finds, and guides us back onto the right path. We are never alone, for if we tune into Jesus, we will never lose our way. To be attuned to the guidance of the Good Shepherd, we must attune and heed His voice.

Therefore, when you feel lost and unsure, embrace silence, call out to Him, and most importantly, listen attentively to His voice. You are of immeasurable value to Him, worth more than the ninety-nine. Remember, He laid down His life for YOU out of boundless love.

Keep at it! Keep praying. Love the Lord.

Peace and Grace.