The Franciscan Crown Rosary

As a Secular Franciscan, I love the special gift of Charism from St. Francis. My love for Mary has grown stronger. The rosary, a gift from St. Dominic, was given by Mary in 1221 to help fight heresy. Mary promised success in spreading devotion to those who prayed it. The Dominicans, founded by Dominic, helped spread the rosary worldwide in its early years.

The Franciscan historian Luke Wadding (1588-1657) beautifully recounts the origins of the Franciscan Crown, dating back to the year 1422. In his narrative, he shares the poignant story of a young Franciscan novice whose heartfelt devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary was tested upon entering the novitiate. Initially saddened by the restriction on adorning the Virgin's statue with fresh flowers, the novice contemplated leaving the Order. However, in a moment of grace, the Blessed Virgin herself appeared to him, introducing the practice of reciting the "crown of the seven joys." This transformative practice, involving the recitation of a rosary comprising seven decades in honor of her seven joys, soon became widespread within the Franciscan Order. Through this newfound devotion, the novice found solace in crafting a spiritual "crown" for the Virgin, surpassing the beauty of the flowers he once offered.

In addition to developing this Marian devotion, the Franciscans are credited with adding the final words to the Hail Mary, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. In 1263, Saint Bonaventure, Minister General of the Order, encouraged liturgical devotion honoring the mystery of the Visitation. Saint Bonaventure also popularized the daily triple recitation of the Angelus, which it is believed Saint Francis initiated after visiting the Holy Land. Francis was deeply impressed by the Muslim practice of stopping to pray several times a day, and desired to Christianize this pious custom. A Franciscan pope, Sixtus IV (1471-1485), introduced the feast of the Immaculate Conception and the feast of Saint Joseph as husband of Mary. He also issued the first papal pronouncement encouraging the rosary as in invaluable instrument of personal and societal conversion.

[Taken from the Introduction of The Franciscan Crown: The Joyful Mysteries in the lives of the Virgin Mary and Saint Francis of Assisi. Robert Melnick, O.F.M. Conv. & Joseph Wood, O.F.M. Conv. (A beautiful booklet available in most Catholic Book stores, courtesy of The Franciscan Friars of Marytown); Compiled by Deacon Dave & Thérèse Ream, O.F.S., Revised July 2017]


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