Stella Mundi Franciscan Ministry

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Marian Flowers

“Open the bloom of your heart and become a gift of beauty to the world.”

Bryant McGill

A dear friend of mine has a particular affinity for flowers. She certainly makes a point to stop and not only take a moment to smell the roses, but she also captures beautiful snapshots of them. This delightful practice is a wonderful way for her to keep the flowers blooming forever in memory. I genuinely love seeing her flower posts on social media. I find a great deal of joy in experiencing them through her eyes, appreciating the exquisite beauty of God’s creations as she presents them to the world.

The above quote, to me, beautifully describes our beloved Mother Mary in a way that is both meaningful and inspiring. She truly encompasses love and beauty in all its forms, radiating a profound grace that touches the hearts of all who encounter her presence. Her essence invites those around her to experience a sense of peace and comfort, making her an enduring figure of compassion and hope. She is, without a doubt, the precious Gift that God has graciously given to the world. Did you know that there are actually over a thousand different flowers named in honor of Mary? It’s quite fascinating, isn’t it? Who knew such a vast array existed? I am not surprised, however. I mean, why wouldn’t we be inspired to name such beautiful flowers in honor of our stunning and soulful Spiritual Mother, who inspires so many with her grace and compassion?

Here are a few:

Photo credit:

So what can I say, as we begin to approach the beautiful and vibrant season of fall, which brings with it a sense of change and renewal? It is a time to pause, reflect, engage in prayer, and sincerely thank God for the myriad of His magnificent creations that surround us each day. However, most importantly, let us take a moment to thoughtfully consider and honor Mary, whose unwavering example of faith and deep devotion continues to inspire us all, even in the delicate beauty of the flowers that are still blooming around us. Capture every fleeting moment before the season changes and they inevitably fade away into the past. Take the time to truly appreciate each experience, for they may not last long.

Here are some more flowers:

Baby’s breath – “Lady’s veil”

Bachelor’s buttons – “Mary’s crown”

Bleeding heart – “Mary’s heart”

Bluets – Houstonia caerul. – “Madonna’s eyes”

Columbine – “Our Lady’s shoes”

Dandelion – “Mary’s bitter sorrow”

Fern – “Lady’s hair”

Forget-me-not – “Eyes of Mary”

Foxglove – “Our Lady’s gloves”

Geranium – “Lady beautiful”

Honeysuckle – “Lady’s stick”

Impatiens – “Our Lady’s earrings”

Iris – “Mary as Queen”

Larkspur – “Mary’s tears”

Lily-of-the-valley – “Our Lady’s tears”

Marigold – “Mary’s gold”

Ox-Eye daisy – “Mary’s star”

Petunia – “Lady’s praise”

Rose – a symbol of Mary herself (she is known as the “Mystical Rose”)

Rosemary – “Mary’s nosegay”

Sweet William – “Lady tuft”

Tulip – “Mary’s prayer”

Violet – “Our Lady’s modesty”

" Ave Maria, Totus tuus" or "Totally yours"

Keep at it! Keep praying. Love the Lord.

Peace and Grace.