Stella Mundi Franciscan Ministry

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St. Philip Neri

“Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and helps us to persevere. A servant of God ought always to be in good spirits. Charity and cheerfulness, or charity and humility, should be our motto.”

St. Philip Neri

Spontaneous and unpredictable, charming, and humorous are just a few of the words commonly used to vividly describe the renowned St. Philip Neri. As the beloved patron of joy and humor, Rome, and the US Army Special Forces, his legacy resonates with warmth and charisma. Fondly referred to as “Pippo buono” or “good little Phil” in his youth, his cheerful disposition and amiable nature endeared him to all who crossed his path. St. Philip Neri's profound understanding of various approaches to guiding individuals towards God marked him as a significant figure in the Catholic Reformation. Notably, his lasting impact includes the establishment of the esteemed Congregation of the Oratory.

St. Philip Neri was well-known for his unwavering joy, which shone brightly in his every action and word. His belief in the power of a joyful heart was profound, often sharing, "A joyful heart is more easily made perfect than a downcast one." St. Philip understood that dwelling in discouragement could erode the virtues of faith and hope, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a spirit of joy in all circumstances.

St. Philip Neri played a crucial role in this period, promoting spiritual renewal and leading many to a deeper faith during the Council of Trent. For sixty years he lived in that city, which was beginning to teem with saints. If in its streets he met with suffering humanity, offering kind and perceptive words of comfort and sup- port, he used to prefer gathering young people into the Oratory, his own true creation. He made it into a joyful meeting place, a kind of gymnasium for spiritual formation, and a center for the diffusion of art. 2

When he prayed, he felt his heart swell with “great and unexpected joy, a joy stemming from divine love, but stronger and more fervent than anything he had previously experienced.” This profound moment was graced by a ball of fire—a symbol of the Holy Spirit—that shone brightly before him, gracefully entering his parted lips and gently settling within his beating heart. In a world where our concerns often revolve around the perceptions of others rather than the will of God, the looming fear of judgment can hinder our exploration of new experiences and our dedication to our faith. Today, consider taking a courageous leap towards something that has evoked fear or hesitation within you, even if it may appear unconventional to onlookers. Embrace the feelings that arise from this bold step, take time to reflect, and seek solace in prayerful communion with God.

O Holy Saint Philip Neri, Patron Saint of Joy,

you who trusted Scripture’s promise that the Lord is always at hand, and that we need not have anxiety about anything:

in your compassion heal our worries and sorrows,

and lift the burdens from our hearts.

We come to you as one whose heart swells with abundant love for God and all creation.

Hear us we pray, especially in this need: (make request here)

Keep us safe through your loving intercession

and may the joy of the Holy Spirit which filled your heart,

Saint Philip,

transform our lives and bring us peace. Amen.

To learn more about St. Philip Neri visit:

Franciscan Media

Keep at it! Keep praying. Love the Lord.

Peace and Grace.